Wastelines – Kerbside & Compost

Unfortunately, when recycling bins are contaminated or contain non recyclable items, often the whole bin load: private, kerbside or commercial bins, end up going to landfill.

People mainly strive to do the right thing, however previously recycling standards have been confusing, as they differed across the country, but kerbside recycling has now been standardised nationally (with a few exceptions).

On Aotea, we still need to keep our paper and cardboard seperate from other recyclables because we bale all recyclables in seperate bundles, to minimise space on the boat.

So please: make sure cardboard is clean, flatten it, bundle and tie together and place next to your yellow recycling crate on kerbside on your collection day. We ask you do not put it out if rain is forecast. Aotea’s full current recycling guide below or download here.

Check out the rules here.

Green Cone Biodigesters

20 Green Cone food waste biodigesters have been partially funded by the Auckland Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund and are available at half retail price for $150.

The Green cone needs to be dug into your garden but after that, they require little maintenance and take all food scraps- cooked, raw, bones, etc, up to approx. 1 ice cream container full a day.

Being sealed above ground, it does not release smell or attract rats. It needs to be sited in a sunny spot with reasonable drainage.

Pop into Anamata, go to anamata.nz/ wastewise or phone Joanne – 022 314 9346 to see if they’re suitable for your place.

Food Scrap Drop off at Anamata

If the Green Cone isn’t right for you and you don’t have a food waste system set up, we accept food scraps at Anamata.

Since December 2023 our team has processed over 944kg of food waste from households and cafes across the motu!

Share Waste

Free community composting is available at Medlands community garden and Mulberry Grove. Also check out sharewaste.co.nz

Find all relevant information at: anamata.nz