Wajax Competition in Awana

Crews from Tryphena, Kaitoke, Okupu and Awana/Okiwi turned out in force to show their skills in setting up wajax pumps, hoses, and the knocking over of 3 targets in a time trial.

Needless to say, competition was tight with each crew being scrutinized by experienced judges Cushla Buchanan, Dave Spier, Roger Bright & Izzy Fordham.

The day ended with Tryphena 2 being the overall winner who take home the trophy till the next comp. Their cool, calm, collected and disciplined approach shone through.

Many thanks to all Crews and their families who turned out in force to show their support. 

Acknowledgement must go to our Rural Fire Voluntary members and local Committee who give up their time and energy to ensure our motu is safe.

Words by Leanne Sanderson