What does ‘off grid’ mean for your holiday?

There is no reticulated power or water on Aotea/Great Barrier Island. This “off-the-grid” lifestyle means everyone must collect their own water and create their own power – making both resources precious. Plus we manage our own waste.

A summary of what this means for your off grid holiday:

  • You’ll get the chance to disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with the simple life.
  • Our power systems are sensitive and you shouldn’t pack your hairdryer, straighteners or other mod cons that use lots of electricity. Charging mobile and laptop devices is generally fine, but check with your host.
  • Water is collected by each household or accommodation provider. It is a precious commodity, particularly with the impact of drought in recent years. Please ensure you only use what you need.
  • A few of our accommodation providers may have a long drop or a composting toilet. If this doesn’t suit you, perhaps check ahead with your host.

Familiarise yourself with your accommodations systems when you arrive. There may be some small quirks like ensuring you do any washing during the middle of the day and completing other power hungry activities when batteries are ‘on float’ (full) in the middle of the day, so they can top up again during the afternoon to supply all evening activities when the sun goes down.

The island’s housing and accommodation is by no means basic. Technology has brought about huge advancements in recent years and you’ll be surprised what conveniences are still available using solar and battery technology.

Cell signal is available across most of the island, most accommodation providers have Wi-Fi including Starling, and there are some public Wi-Fi locations on the island.

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