Dog Exercise Areas on Great Barrier Island
Aotea Great Barrier Island is home to many endangered native birds, particularly along the shorelines of our beaches. Many of these birds nest along the shorelines including the NZ Dotterel and Oyster catchers. Blue Penguins come onto land at night time and nest in the banks. Many of our beaches are not places to walk your dog and dogs are prohibited.
Those arriving by boat should note that there are no tracks or beaches around Port FitzRoy that you are allowed dogs on.
Summary of the few beaches that dogs are allowed on, off a leash, but they must be under control. They are as follows:
Awana – From the council access way, south to the point. Please note dogs are prohibited on the beach from the left hand side of the council access to the northern end Awana.
Gooseberry Flat (Tryphena) – Allowed from the Pohutukawa tree by the playground at the southern end of the beach along the beach up to the headland reserve between Gooseberry Flat and Pa Beach. They must be on a leash around the headland and on Pa Beach.
Medlands Beach – Allowed from the Lane walkway entrance to the south, stopping 100 metres north of the creek at the southern end of Medlands. They must be on a leash on all other areas of the beach, to protect nesting birds.
Mulberry Grove Beach (Tryphena) – Allowed on the whole beach. Prohibited from both streams at either end.
Okupu Beach – Allowed on the entire beach area
Okiwi – Allowed on the Northern side of the airstrip beside the Okiwi airfield
Dogs are prohibited on Department of conservation land, including tracks and campgrounds. Dogs are also prohibited on council playgrounds or sports surfaces, but are allowed on a leash and under control on council walkways and tracks.
For more information you can visit the Auckland Council website

For more information on responsible pet management on Great Barrier island visit the Ecology Vision website.