We have several enterprises championing the zero-waste mission on both the island, Hauraki Gulf and Auckland.
Anamata Resource Recovery
Anamata Resource Recovery Centre are a workforce of awesome people tasked with reducing the amount of waste ending up in landfill once you place it in the bin or recycling. Not only do they support waste minimisation but they also support employment of our local youth.
Onsite is a diversion shop which sells preloved materials, crafted items, second hand goods, building materials and much more. Along side the shop is the recycling centre, where recycling can be dropped off from usual household items to batteries, phones, metal and more.
Going beyond recycling, reducing glass waste
Aotea Brewing, Island Gin and Barrier Brew are all businesses with zero-waste at the heart of what they do. They are all on a mission to reduce glass waste, not just improve recycling. Through refilleries, flagons and reusable bottles their aim is to reduce the amount of glass waste being shipped off the island or being disposed of by boats in the Hauraki Gulf. Putting environmental and social value right up there with making a dollar. You can purchase these beverages either on tap at one of our eateries or refineries on the island or on the shelf in stores throughout the island.
Opp shops
At the back of Tryphena Hall at the bottom of Medland’s Road there is a small opportunity shop with an honesty box. You can leave second hand clothes or pick up something you may have forgotten to pack. St Johns Church near Medlands beach also has an extensive opp shop that opens on weekends.
There are a few shops that sell various clothing items and souvenirs but no major clothes shops, so these pop shops may also come in handy when you least expect it!