The ‘Cat-alogue’ & Responsible Cat Ownership on Aotea

There has been an overwhelming response to the Cat-alogue, with 143 cats’ details and photos now included.

Cats pose a significant threat to some of Aotea’s most threatened taonga species including Niho Taniwha/Chevron skink, tūturiwhatu/New Zealand dotterel, pāteke/brown teal and takoketai/black petrel. To lessen the impact of cats on wildlife, Auckland Council carries out feral cat control in high value areas where threatened species are present.

Cats caught in live capture cage traps are carefully checked by skilled trappers for signs of ownership, such as collars, microchips, and socialised behaviour. For animals that appear to be owned, the Cat-alogue is checked for cats living nearby. If the owner can be identified, cats are reunited with them directly. Otherwise, owned cats are released on site.

Because cats are important companion animals on Aotea, the Islands team is working on promoting responsible pet ownership by encouraging residents to add their cats to the Cat-alogue and offers free desexing and microchipping through the Great Barrier Island Veterinary Services. 

If you would like to add your cat to the Aotea Cat-alogue, please email a photo and details to Conservation Advisor, Annamarie Clough  Also let us know if your cat is currently listed, but details have changed eg change of address, or if your cat is missing or deceased.

If you would like to desex or microchip your cat for free, funded by Auckland Council, please contact GBI Vet Anne Kernohan phone (09) 4290 0463 or 021 797 538.

We appreciate the community’s support for this project, continuing to grow the Cat-alogue and keep owned cats safe while carrying out feral cat control to protect Aotea’s taonga species.

For more information on responsible cat ownership on Aotea visit:

Auckland Council Natural Environment Delivery – Islands Team

Aotea, Great Barrier Island