Quiz Night Pumping

The Currach Irish pub, with quiz maestro Heidi Mill’s  raised over $1500  towards Levi’s Golaboski’s Pump Track, on Sunday 24 March. With an astounding 11 teams competing, ‘Will’s Angels’ came out on top.  

The pub is donating $5000 and has put on the quiz night to raise this to $10,000, and they are well on their way.

Recruit your team and join Heidi at the Currach every Sunday through April to raise more funds for Levi’s track.  Call 09 4290 211 to register your team.

If you miss out on the quiz nights but would still like to get behind fundraising for Levi’s track contact Tay at Kaitoke school on office@kaitoke.school.nz  or make a direct donation to Kaitoke School with details below.

Account :12-3011-0815735-50  

Reference ‘Levi Golaboski Fund’ .