Back in April, the island was lucky to get a visit from leading mental health and addiction specialist Peter Thorburn and he is returning in August.
Peter triumphed over a 23-year battle with addiction and held two astounding hui on the island – one at Kawa and one in Claris. This time his focus will be on youth resilience, masculinity and how to support friends or whanau suffering from addiction. Details below.
Thursday 22 August – 11am – Aotea Learning Hub – Rangatahi strength and resiliency.
Resilience is the ability to not only survive but thrive. It’s what allows us to bounce back when facing challenges and get back up after being knocked down. Pete will talk through strategies on how to build and nurture resiliency. Anyone between the ages of 12 and 21 welcome.
Thursday 22 August – 6-7:30pm – Medlands Haven – Masculinity, alcohol and anger management.
Alcohol: most of us drink it. Anger: we all feel it, but if we can’t control it, it can cause harm. What beliefs, values and expectations are wrapped up in the idea of masculinity?
Friday 23 August – 10-11:30am – Claris Conference Centre – Supporting friends or family with addiction
Do you have friends, family or loved ones who are grappling with addiction and you aren’t sure how to help them, or how to protect yourself from “supporter burnout”? Pete will provide advice and experience.