On Saturday 29 September the island came together to acknowledge the huge contribution made by Roger (25 years service) and Kylie (21 years service), as we prepare to farewell them as they retire from Policing and move on with the next phase of their lives.

Roger & Kylie Bright, Photo Credit: Kathy Cumming

Speeches were made by the various agencies from the  Emergency Response Team followed by Mulberry Grove and Kaitoke Schools prior to open mic from the floor.

For all those who spoke there was strong common themes:

The commitment, not just in their Police work, but being active members of FENZ and Coastguard, and delivering both the Hunts course and the Kaitoke School Wharf to Wharf fundraiser. 

Their numerous skills and competencies, too long to list. 

Always first up and out to any incident whatever the time day or night. 

The genuine care and respect they have given to our community is immeasurable. 

Their dedication and kindness to our community, always going the extra mile beyond the call of duty. 

They will be missed and as sad as we are to see them go, the time is right for them to now retire. 

For those of us who have chosen to make the island our home there is an appreciation that although the island can at times be a hard place to live it is an even harder place to leave and with that Kylie and Roger on behalf of Aotea/Great Barrier all the best for what lays a head and Thank you for all the years of hard work and the legacy you leave behind. 


Words by Cushla Buchanan & Izzy Fordham 

“Felt absolutely compelled to publish this heartfelt notice to the best community in the country. 

To those that attended our farewell and those who put in their apologies, to those that have approached us on the streets, in the cafes or other local businesses while we have been out and about… thank you so much for all your kind words of thanks and appreciation. Kylie and I have given almost half our lives (which really puts it into perspective for us) to policing and looking after our local friends/whanau/ family/acquaintances and community locals and visitors alike. 

Can’t honestly say we have enjoyed every minute of it because we are that agency that usually ends up dealing with the sad and unpleasant jobs that someone has to do. But apart from those jobs, have really enjoyed helping our community, through thick and thin, through the good times and sad and everything in between. 

To have been allowed to become integral parts of so many other groups and agencies, to offer our personal and professional skills to such an awesome community has been our pleasure for the last almost 26 years. 

We have learnt so much ourselves and will definitely take those learnings with us as we move on to different things in different places. 

I / we have no doubt that the island is being left in very capable policing hands with Andy and Ding starting at various times in October, so please make them feel as welcome as you have made us and our families feel. 

If we don’t get the opportunity over the next two weeks to personally say goodbye to you all, please accept this posting as that farewell as well. 

Take care of each other, stay safe and we will no doubt see some of you at some point when we return to the island in due course for a holiday in order to truely enjoy the beauty the island holds. 

Ngā mihi nui ki Aotea 

Roger and Kylie” 

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