Kings Birthday Market

Claris Conference Centre 19 Whangaparapara Road, Claris, Great Barrier Island, New Zealand

Bingo Night

 Mulberry Grove School Fundraiser  Games, raffles, auction items, prizes. Bring cash!

Kawa Marare Youth Programme

Kawa Marae

Activities for 9th include waka ama, basketball, table tennis, arts n crafts and fishing Bookings essential

Free Community Drug & Alcohol Services Day

Aotea Health Centre

Every second Wednesday of the month You can contact the CADS Great Barrier Island clinician directly to arrange an appointment, ie- you don’t need to book through the health centre.  The number you can use to reach them is 0800 … Read More

Aotea Army Working Bee in Okiwi


Hey my beautiful island And Attention army volunteers..... Meet Mr and Mrs Kiri & Annette Parker. Absolutely lovely couple. She's beautiful as and the first minute she saw me she had a massive smile and said WOW "where did you … Read More