Warren's & Bridle Track


Warren’s Track is a gently graded climb to a waterfall. The stream offers deep pools good for swimming, continuing through to a Kauri plantation before joining Bridle Track, which leads to the Fitzroy store.

The Bridle Track is an alternative to walking the road. It’s an easy grade through indigenous and exotic forest. The lower section is rocky and can be rough and uneven under foot.

Have a look at the Port Fitzroy map here!

Points of Interest

Pools for swimming
Kauri Grove

Taonga (Flora & Fauna)

Native bush including Tī kōuka (Cabbage tree), Kauri, Kōwhai, Horoeka (Lancewood), Mānuka, Kānuka, Nīkau, Rātā, Tōtara, Kahikatea, Puriri, Mamaku, Rimu etc
Chevron Skink
Pīwakawaka (Fantail)
Riroriro (Grey Warbler)
Moho Pererū (Banded Rail)
Kōtare (Kingfisher)
Kererū (Wood Pigeon)
Tauhou (Silvereye/Waxeye)
Ruru (Morepork)

1 Hour one way
Easy walking track
Dog Rules
No Dogs allowed