Kowhai Valley Track


Why not take the slow scenic route from Tryphena to Medlands?
Take a beautiful bush walk or exhilarating downhill mountain bike ride from Rosalie Bay Road to Medlands beach. Or connect up from the Station Rock track along the ridgeline from the top of Medland Road hill for stunning views from coast to coast.

Kowhai Valley track offers twists and turns down a steep and rolling track for both hikers and mountain bikers (although the latter is not for the faint hearted). Over streams and wetlands, coming out to beautiful views across Medlands and down to the beach for a swim.

Like a challenge? Walk up the hill from Medlands instead, and back along the Station Rock track for a full loop back down to the beach! From Medlands campground, cross the estuary and follow the road right until you see the sign on your left.

Take a look at the track route here!

Points of Interest

Medlands lookout
Valley views
Stream crossings

Taonga (Flora & Fauna)

Regenerating bush of predominately Mānuka, Kānuka, Nīkau and Pittosporum
Riroriro (Grey Warbler)
Moho Pererū (Banded Rail)
Kōtare (Kingfisher)
Kererū (Wood Pigeon)
Tauhou (Silvereye/Waxeye)
Ruru (Morepork)

1-2 hours walking one way, or 45 minutes downhill mountain biking
Moderate walking, Advanced mountain biking
Child friendly
Dog Rules
Dogs allowed on a leash