Kiwiriki Track


This track continues on from Bush’s Beach Track. It follows the same original riding track to a junction with Line W Track (30 minutes), then descends and crosses Coffin’s Creek travelling through lowland forest remnants of pūriri, nīkau, kohekohe and concentrations of kōwhai and pōhutukawa on the coast.

The track climbs steadily and follows the dividing ridge before veering right and dropping steeply to the valley floor and sign-posted junction (1 hour 30 minutes), leading to a 15-minute walk to the head of Kiwiriki Bay. The main track crosses Kiwiriki Stream and climbs through the valley and central ridge to meet Forest Road at Maungapiko (1 hour 30 minutes).

Have a look at the Port Fitzroy map here!

Points of Interest

Kiwiriki Bay

Taonga (Flora & Fauna)

Lowland forest remnants of pūriri, nīkau, kohekohe, kōwhai and pōhutukawa

4 hrs one way
Dog Rules
Dogs are not permitted