Asian Paddle Crab Monitoring Expands

The Okiwi Community Ecology Project has been carrying out its annual Asian Paddle Crab monitoring in the Whangapoua estuary since November. The students of Okiwi School are experts at this conservation mahi and this season has seen two juvenile pest … Read More

Dark Sky Sanctuary

A Sparkle of Stargazing Have you been looking up and wondering what it is that’s sparkling down at you? Well here’s a stargazing snippet just for you. Turn all the lights off, go outside and take 10 minutes for your … Read More

From the Airwaves

Each week Tim Higham gets to the heart of Island Life on Aotea Great Barrier Island through interviews on AoteaFM Interviews from Monday 19th February Aiming High – An interview with Kaitoke School Principle Leanne Eloff Kaitoke School recently completed … Read More

Recycling on the Rise

Congratulations Aotea Community! This summer, collection of recyclable materials from kerbside increased by 12% from last December and January. Over the same time, kerbside rubbish (to landfill) collections decreased by 13% relative to the previous December and January.  Kerbside rubbish … Read More

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