Is the Bar Restorable?

David Speir thinks so. “Unfortunately there has been a long term process of infill for  Whangapoua Estuary which resulted in a tipping point in 2019 that dramatically changed the form of the wave on the bar, eventually getting rid of … Read More

CAN Extended Until 30 September

As advised in our last newsletter, the two exotic caulerpa Controlled Areas (at Aotea/Ahuahu and Te Rāwhiti Inlet) are being extended from their current expiry date of 30 June 2024 to 30 September 2024. This will provide time for planning … Read More

A Starry Winter Wonderland

Look up and explore Aotea’s stunning, starry dark winter sky with some tips from the Good Heavens team. Stargazing Scorpius: The Scorpion or Maui’s fish hook Scorpius, the Scorpion, is a prominent constellation in our evening sky in winter. It … Read More

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