A 1980’s Snapper Snapshot

A legacy of fishing on Aotea These are some observations offered by Bob Whitmore of Tipi and Bobs that were gleaned from his years commercial long line fishing out of Tryphena around 45 years ago. They have long been scribed … Read More

Bye Bye Bushy Asparagus

Bushy Asparagus Asparagus aethiopicus, is an Aotea High Risk Weed.  Originally from South Africa and once a popular garden ornamental, it is now jumping the fence from the pot plant and forming dense infestations, which excludes native vegetation. It has long-lived tubers that … Read More

AFSG Turnaround

What a difference 365 days can make. This time last year it was standing room only at a tense Aotea Family Support Group annual general meeting at the St Johns Church annex in Medlands. People had turned up to hear … Read More

New Life for Orama

A new leadership team at Orama Oasis has revealed ambitious plans on Aotea FM’s Monday morning show.  Operations manager Dean Salthouse said the Christian community at Karaka Bay is planning a new charter school. The school would have about 20 … Read More

The Missaars Make Moves

Haere rā Last winter, we arrived with our three children, Lily, Reef and Maya on your beautiful motu for a whole year of bonding and educational adventures. We are very sad to say goodbye to so many kind and loving … Read More

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