Kaitoke Natural Hot Springs


Kaitoke Natural Hot Springs are just that – natural. They are a 40 minute to 1 hour walk through Kaitoke wetlands and bush along an accessible track to a section of the river with pooled areas that you can relax in.

The hot springs are a great activity when the weather isn’t perfect for a beach day – a great way to still get the kids outside.

There are several pools, the lower one is shallow and the most accessible, and there are two pools further up, more hidden, deep and more of a scramble to get into.

You’ll find a long drop toilet and several picnic benches but the whole area is underdeveloped and not like other more developed hot springs you might have visited in New Zealand. There is ample parking at the entrance to the track.

The track to the hot springs is often recommended as one of the most accessible on the island – If you are wanting more in depth information on the terrain of the track check out this blog from a family who visited with an all terrain wheel chair. 

If you would like to read about how the hot springs join to the Aotea Track – you will find that information here. 

The Kaitoke hotsprings are in the Aotea Conservation Park – looked after by Department of Conservation, you can check out all their information about the area and native flora and fauna to look out for here.



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