A 1980’s Snapper Snapshot

These are some observations offered by Bob Whitmore of Tipi and Bobs that were gleaned from his years commercial long line fishing out of Tryphena around 45 years ago. They have long been scribed on my wall.

Sept – Small run snapper – In September there sometimes would be a small run of snapper leading him to think the schoolies had arrived early only to
then disappear.
Oct 20 Snapper arrive – October 20th. Do like the precise date. Bob said he would then start fishing the incoming school snapper at the Broken Islands and over the next few days he would work them down to Tryphena.
May – Try full of snapper – During May Tryphena Harbour is full of snapper
July – Oct – Snapper poor – From July to October snapper fishing is poor

Signed – Bob Whitmore