Census Snapshot

As reported in the Census 2023, Aotea’s population has increased from 936 to 1251 permanent residents between 2018 and 2023 – a 34% increase over five years. 

However, despite this increase, the island still remains the most sparsely populated area in Auckland, Waiheke has around 20 times the density. 

The Census results show that the average age decreased from 53.6 to 51 years old, with a significant increase in the 30-34 year age bracket,  supporting the widely held hunch that there are more younger people and young families on the island in recent years. 

Census 2023 percentage population change 2018-2023 across the Auckland Region

What hasn’t kept up with the population growth is the number of houses being built. From 1164 in 2018 to 1320 houses in 2023, around only a 13% increase. 

Find full Census results here from the first release on 29 May. Read a more extensive breakdown of the results and commentary from local Chair Izzy Fordham here.